
'Software Engineering' course is called CPSC-4360-01 and has 3 credit points module.

The mark for this module has the following components:
  1. Midterm exam: 20%
  2. Project: 30% (10% - Analysis Design Report, 20%- Implementation and Test Demonstration)
  3. Written final exam (May 9, 11am-1:30pm): 50% (open book)

The lectures take place at 10:10am-11:00am, room 111, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Consultations are given by Dr. Andrei Stefan, (8:30am-10am on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and anytime by email appointment - please mail

Lectures are based on the book:

Bimlesh Wadhwa, Stefan Andrei, Soo Yuen Jien. Software Engineering: An object-oriented approach. McGraw Hill, 2007, ISBN: 978-007-126610-9

Course objectives:

This course presents notions about the software development process, such as object-oriented modeling, object-oriented analysis and design, designing state-dependent behaviors, design patterns, design implementation, software testing, and project management. It is recommended the students to be already familiar with an object-oriented programming language, such as Java (C++ is a possible alternative).

Student learning outcomes: By the end of the course students should be able to:

Do analysis and design of medium software projects
Implement the project in Java (or C++) programming language.
Do the testing of the project using various methods.


  1. Lecture 1
  2. Lecture 2
  3. Lecture 3
  4. Lecture 4
  5. Lecture 5
  6. Lecture 6
  7. Lecture 7
  8. Lecture 8
  9. Lecture 9
  10. Lecture 10
  11. Lecture 11
  12. Lecture 12
  13. Lecture 13
  14. Lecture 14


  1. Tutorial 1
  2. Tutorial 2
  3. Tutorial 3
  4. Tutorial 4
  5. Tutorial 5
  6. Tutorial 6
  7. Tutorial 7
  8. Tutorial 8
  9. Tutorial 9
  10. Tutorial 10

Here is the project's specification: Project Specification


The grader of this class is Mr. Narasimha Bharadwaj Srirangam. Please send the assignments by the due date to his email for grading:
1. Assignment 1 (Due Date: Wednesday, 02/16/2011)
2. Assignment 2 (Due Date: Wednesday, 03/16/2011)
3. Assignment 3 (Due Date: Wednesday, 04/13/2011)

List of Papers for CPSC-5360-01 students:

  1. Taken by ...: Estimating the feasibility of transition paths ...
  2. Taken by Mr. Peng Zhang: Greenhouse Gases ...
  3. Taken by Ms. Anoosha Billa: Topic Models Vs. Unstructured Data ...
  4. Taken by Ms. Bhumika Kachhadia: Forest for the Trees ...
  5. Taken by Mr. Danqian Chen: Cloud Computing Privacy ...
  6. Taken by ...: From Science to Engineering ...
  7. Taken by Mr. Sanjeev Panthi: Finding Usability Bugs with Automated Tests ...
  8. Taken by Mr. Nikhil Agarwal: UX Design and Agile: A Natural Fit?
  9. Taken by Mr. Santosh Paudel: Certified Software ...
  10. Taken by Mr. Sudhanshu Bodawala: Vision-Based Hand-Gesture Applications ...
  11. Taken by Mr. Rishi Dhanju: Virtualization: Blessing or Curse?
  12. Taken by Mr. Yanwen Guan: Structured Data on the Web ...
  13. Taken by ...: Using Simple Abstraction to Reinvent Computing for Parallelism ...
  14. Taken by ...: The Sequence Memoizer ...
  15. Taken by ...: Sora: High-Performance Software Radio Using General-Purpose Multi-Core Processors ...
  16. Taken by ...: QIP = PSPACE
  17. Taken by Mr. Mohit Patel: Multipath: A New Control Architecture for the Internet ...
  18. Taken by ...: Requirements Models ASE2010
  19. Taken by ...: Test input reduction for result inspection to facilitate fault localization ...
  20. Taken by ...: Operational definition and automated inference of test-driven development with Zorro ...
  21. Taken by Mr. Shabd Gupta: Software Development and Crunch Time; and More ...
  22. Taken by Mr. Ashutosh Nagariya: Privacy By Design: Moving from Art to Practice ...
  23. Taken by Mr. Karandeep Singh Randhawa: The Ideal HPC Programming Language ...
  24. Taken by ...: Software Development with Code Maps ...
  25. Taken by ...: Commonsense Understanding of Concurrency Computing Students and Concert Tickets...
  26. Taken by Mr. Charanpreet Singh: Seven Principles for Selecting Software Packages...
  27. Taken by ...: Managing Scientific Data ...
  28. Taken by ...: Algorithmic Game Theory ...
  29. Taken by ...: Building Confidence in Multicore Software ...
  30. Taken by ...: seL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel ...
  31. Taken by ...: Reasoning About the Unknown in Static Analysis...
  32. Taken by Mr. Mistry Bhargavkumar: Examining Perceptions of Agility in Software Development Practice...
  33. Taken by Dr. Kyehong Kang: How Distributed Data Mining Tasks can Thrive as Knowledge Services...
  34. Taken by Mr. Chinmay Khasnis: How a Service-Oriented Architecture may Change the Software Development Process...
  35. Taken by Ms. Sandeep Bajwa: Barriers to Systematic Model Transformation Testing...
  36. Taken by Mr. Sant, Anand K.: Plat_Forms Is there one best Web development technology?...
  37. Taken by Mr. Dhrubojyoti Bhattacharjee.: Client side defense against we based identity theft